सीखियें एक्सपोर्ट इम्पोर्ट बिज़नेस की बारीकियां
शुरू करें एक्सपोर्ट-इम्पोर्ट बिज़नेस और कमाएं पैसा डॉलर्स मैं
Join India's only integrated Exim Vidya Training Programs for
export import + international digital marketing learning
Why you Should Enroll in Exim Plus Training
क्योंकि दोस्तों Training मैं आपको ये Benefits मिलने वाले है
Learn How to Generate Leads
आपके एक्सपोर्ट बिज़नेस के लिए Genuine Lead generate करना और International Market मैं buyer find करने के तरीके और वो भी लाइव
Direct Interaction with Foreign Client / Customers
International Digital Marketing helping to find overseas buyers. In 2022 metods of finding buyers in International markets has been changed.
Hands on Practice on Your Business
International Digital Marketing helping to find overseas buyers. In 2022 metods of finding buyers in International markets has been changed.
How to Get Advance Payment
International Digital Marketing helping to find overseas buyers. In 2022 metods of finding buyers in International markets has been changed.
Port & Trade Fair Visits
International Digital Marketing helping to find overseas buyers. In 2022 metods of finding buyers in International markets has been changed.
Lifetime Support
International Digital Marketing helping to find overseas buyers. In 2022 metods of finding buyers in International markets has been changed.
Why do people choose us over a regular Export-Import Training Institute?
हमारे unique practically designed Exim Plus Training program की वजह से करीब 1000+ नये Exporters अपना Export-Import buisness शुरू कर चुके है या कही अच्छी कंपनी में जॉब कर रहे है |
Main Reasons for choosing us over a regular Export-Import Training Institute?
- हम आपको आपके लाइव प्रोजेक्ट यानि आपके बिज़नेस के लिए ही एक्सपोर्ट इंपोर्ट करना सिखाते है
- आप पाएंगे हमारी तरफ से 24 x 7 helpdesk support ताकि आपको बिज़नेस मैं कोई दिक्कत न हो
- हम आपको International buyer find करने के साथ साथ कैसे उसे कैसे export sales में convert करना है ये भी सिखाते है और वो भी आपके बिज़नेस के लिए
Generate Leads with International digital Marketing
We provides you detail training for International digital marketing which is helps in generate leads & growth.
You will get Physical Study Material & Free Software utilities
In our Training program you will get physical study material having copy of real world export documents.
Lifetime Support, Unlimited Revisions upto one year
We are provides you lifetime helpdesk support and you can rejoin our training program with no limit upto one year.
Why Us
Lets Invest in yourself
Practical Export-Import Training Program
₹ 40,000/-
₹ 19,999/-
- Online / Offline Modes Available
- Live Practical Training
- Recorded Class available
- Lifetime Helpdesk Support
- For More Details Click here
An Specially designed International Digital Marketing Training
₹ 50,000/-
₹ 24,999/-
- Lifetime Helpdesk Support
- Live Practical Training
- Offline / Online Modes available
- Recorded class available
- For More details click here
₹ 90,000/-
₹ 42,499/-
- Lifetime Helpdesk Support
- Live Practical Training
- Offline / Online Modes available
- Recorded Class Available
- For More details click here
Meet Your Trainer
Discover more about your Trainer
Hi, I am Tushar Gupta
Exporter | Entrepreneur | International Business Consultant | Youtuber
Founder of Exim Vidya Global Services, I have been partnered with more than 1000+ exporters and helped to set up their export-import business and grow their existing business through our Practical Training programs and consultancy services. best export import trainer